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fall is in the air.

4 Sep

Do you feel it? I’ve been sleeping with my window open lately and when I woke up Friday morning I noticed a change. There was a crisp breeze but it was so warm and cozy in my bed. The only way I can think to describe it is the feeling you have when you wake up in a sleeping bag in northern Minnesota and you just know that the day is going to be beautiful because of the chilly morning air.

I love it.

But I can’t help feeling anxious because even though it has barely started, I know that fall is going to be over before I know it. I can’t wait for the layers and the scarves and the boots crunching red and golden leaves.


Bienvenue Chez Moi.

3 Sep

I just realized that I’ve lived in my new place since June 1st and I have yet to mention it on here!

I found a place on craigslist that needed two subletters for the summer and so Seals and I moved into this amazing 6 bedroom house in Cheeseman Park with 4 strangers. And somehow, it became the perfect roommate situation! And it’s walking distance to my favorite restaurant, Jelly. nom nom nom.

It’s more than a hundred years old and has wood floors and high ceilings. Love. My room has a corner window seat, a fireplace and a mini walk-in closet. The kitchen has been remodeled and the walls are painted bright fun colors. Basically it’s heaven.

I’ve been nesting so much since I signed my new lease. I’m trying to find fun DIY decorations to jazz up my mantle and I’ve been all over Instructables lately. If you have any thoughts send them my way.

come visit me.


First Friday.

2 Sep

Yes. See you there!

