Tag Archives: infestation

mondayyyys. meh.

10 Aug

The most dreaded day of the week is upon us.  Especially when your weekend has been as colorful like mine, Mondays are particularly painful.

My roommate and I had an end of summer party, a little shindig if you will, on Saturday and this is the best photo:


I think it says a lot about that night.  Actually there were very few photos taken, but I think you get the idea.  We converted a closet door and 4 plastic storage boxes into a pretty badass flip-cup table and had a great turnout.  Not so much from my DAM friends, but that’s ok, Ilana and some Tri-Delt friends showed up which was a nice addition to Emily’s friends from work.  I was feeling a bit cheeky and invited our neighbors across the way as well (yes, that includes the neighbor who saved me from the squirrel).  Overall, I’d say it was a success.

Also, I sold my couches (finally, YAY!) and so our living room is very bare.  Here is a secret photo I took out my kitchen window of the guy who bought them:



It did make movie night with our neighbors Collin & Frank (who really isn’t a neighbor because he is crashing on Collin’s couch but that’s just semantics) rather interesting though.  Why we didn’t go to their apartment, I have no idea, but we ended up watching the King of California on our floor in sleeping bags.

Oh. And I saw that damn mouse again. 1, 2, and now 3 times it has visited me.  What makes it even worse is that no one else ever sees it. I swear I am NOT hallucinating.  I still need to tell my landlord about it. meh. mondays.

No. You Can Not Bring Your Teddy.

30 Jul


Dear Mr. Mouse Squatting In My Apartment,

I do not know how or when you got here, but I would like you to leave promptly.  No you may not stay another week and no you may not bring your teddy.  I’m sure you are very cute and cuddly, however I still expect you out by the end of the month.

Thank you,

Your Landlord.