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Cheers (drink to that)

27 Aug

So, I’ve been obsessed with this song since Rihanna’s album Loud dropped, way back in November. It was actually the theme song of winter quarter for Seals and I. And now, it’s finally playing on the radio and everyone is talking about “Rihanna’s new song” that really isn’t very new at all. But whatever, I’m not going to get all hipster on you because I liked it first. I am going to hook you up with the video though:

I’m not gonna lie, I was slightly disappointed. I liked it overall, and I thought it was well done, but I was hoping for something a little more badass, like Kid Cudi’s Pursuit of Happiness video. I fucking love that song and the video matches the song’s greatness (it was my Spring quarter obsession). Rihanna’s video just seemed a little weak for such a great song.

I still love you though RiRi.

What do you think?


cheers to the freakin weekend.

18 Jan

Happy MLK Jr. day! It is one of the few holidays that DU recognizes and so I was lucky enough to get a long weekend- no classes today, woo!  This weekend was pretty low-key, but pleasant and even a little productive.  Ally had some friends visiting which was fun, and other than that I just tried to get ahead with classes, papers and midterms (I’m worrying about midterms already and it’s only January 17th hahaha. wow).

So today ended up being more of a workday than a holiday, but oh welllll :) Em and I went to St. Mark’s cafe off of Colfax (Race & 17th) and worked on our respective essays.  There is always enough time for a couple photos, though ;)

Evil Eye


ALSO, i don’t think anyone (except maybe Ally) has any idea how much i’m in love with Rihanna’s song “Cheers (Drink to That)”.  I seriously dig it. If you haven’t heard it yet, you must check it out.  There isn’t a video for it yet, so here’s the best I could find on youtube:


Happy Paddy’s Day!

17 Mar

#1. It’s Saint Patrick’s Day, yayy! But I don’t have any green…

#2. I’m sorry if I haven’t texted you back…I have 3 unread text messages (since February!) that my phone won’t let me read.

#3. I’ve run out of bowls and now I’m resorting to eating my cereal out of tupperware containers of all shapes and sizes.

#4. I gave myself a cold :( I thought anti-histamines would help my ears pop (from flying with the sniffles a few weeks ago). They didn’t. Now I have a pile of used kleenex by my bed. Awesome.

#5. As embarrassing as it is to admit this, I’m genuinely upset about Freddy (on Skins) getting killed. Wtf?!

#6. Live in Austin 2010 is free for download at Urban Outfitters.

#7. I can’t stop watching RiRi’s Rude Boy video…it’s so good!! M.I.A.-esque, but me likey :D

#8. I went to an adorable concert last night. Some friends of friends performed covers and  we all sang along. Don’t Stop Believin’ and Hey Jude, included.

#9. I’m thinking about getting these glasses…what do you think?

Lurve to you, my internet readership <3
