Tag Archives: love

cheers to the freakin weekend.

18 Jan

Happy MLK Jr. day! It is one of the few holidays that DU recognizes and so I was lucky enough to get a long weekend- no classes today, woo!  This weekend was pretty low-key, but pleasant and even a little productive.  Ally had some friends visiting which was fun, and other than that I just tried to get ahead with classes, papers and midterms (I’m worrying about midterms already and it’s only January 17th hahaha. wow).

So today ended up being more of a workday than a holiday, but oh welllll :) Em and I went to St. Mark’s cafe off of Colfax (Race & 17th) and worked on our respective essays.  There is always enough time for a couple photos, though ;)

Evil Eye


ALSO, i don’t think anyone (except maybe Ally) has any idea how much i’m in love with Rihanna’s song “Cheers (Drink to That)”.  I seriously dig it. If you haven’t heard it yet, you must check it out.  There isn’t a video for it yet, so here’s the best I could find on youtube:


Vous me manquez.

14 Jun

I’ve missed you blogosphere! I can’t believe today marks the end of my second week back in the US.

Since I last posted I have missed France unbearably, uncovered mildy incriminating photographs (that’s you Trixie! teehee!), put a shitload of my mom’s overflow of possessions on craigslist, emptied a FULL storage unit in sweltering (humid) heat, visited my cousin’s family in the hospital after his wife gave birth, celebrated my 21st birthday belatedly with my family, cheered on my team in the world cup (go USA!), procured a summer job working at only the coolest kid’s store, and yet despite all the stuff that has happened I still feel like I just got off the plane.

I miss you France. I miss you Bretagne. I miss you Rennes. I miss you Erasmus.

My heart is full of love when I think back on the past year. I wish that none of us had to leave, but the leaving is what makes us realize how special the past year has been. And if we’re lucky, we’ll meet again. Je vous aime.


Cloudy Days

29 Mar

I always thought that as time passed sad feelings would fade. At least that’s what everyone says to you when someone close to you dies.  And it is true to an extent… I can go months without crying now. But I don’t know if the hovering cloud, a reminder that you aren’t whole, ever goes away.  It’s been 4 & 1/2 years and 3 days and that cloud is still there.  Some days it’s thinner than others but every once in awhile it comes out in full force and covers the sun. No matter how good things are, how smoothly life is going, the cloud will continue to come out as long as you can’t share the good things with the one person who is missing.

One of my friends’ had someone close to them die recently so maybe that’s pulling me back, or it might just be hormones. Either way, this post isn’t supposed to be a depressing one, nor a call for help.  It’s just a reflection on loving and losing who is most important to you.
